Enhancing Security Through Code Security Peer Reviews: A Guide

Discover the Importance of Code Security Peer Reviews in CI-CD


Software development, in today's agile and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI-CD) environment, is a complex process. The relentless drive for innovation and quicker time-to-market pressures often lead to overlooking a key component of software development: code security. We can no longer afford to push this crucial factor to the sidelines. One effective practice to bring it into the spotlight is through code security peer reviews. Let's delve into this subject and understand its importance, implementation, and potential pitfalls to avoid.

Code Security Peer Reviews - An Overview

Code security peer review is a part of the development process where proposed code changes (pull requests) are meticulously analyzed by security experts before these alterations are merged into the main codebase. This practice ensures potential security vulnerabilities are caught and rectified at an early stage, reducing the risk of security breaches later on.

Why Code Security Peer Review Matters

In the software development life cycle, it's easier and less costly to fix security vulnerabilities in the early stages rather than in the later ones. A code security peer review allows security flaws to be detected and fixed before they become part of the final software product.

Also, it's essential to understand that code quality and code security, while interconnected, require different areas of expertise. The assumption that a code quality reviewer can efficiently perform security reviews can lead to overlooked vulnerabilities. A dedicated code security reviewer, on the other hand, can focus entirely on security and compliance concerns, promoting secure coding practices and preventing negligence.

Incorporating a Security Expert in the Team

A senior developer or a senior architect with extensive secure coding training should be integrated into the core review team as the dedicated code security reviewer. This individual will concentrate on inspecting pull requests for potential security issues, promoting code security best practices, and raising security awareness within the team.

Why a Dedicated Security Reviewer?

You might be wondering why there is a need for a separate reviewer for security. It all comes down to focus and expertise. Code security requires a specialized set of skills and a laser-like focus on identifying vulnerabilities and potential threats. Moreover, a dedicated security reviewer can also help foster a security-centric culture by driving awareness initiatives and promoting security best practices.

It's essential to note that a general code quality reviewer, despite being highly skilled, might not possess the necessary depth of security knowledge. This disparity becomes more apparent when we consider that many developers bypass the built-in security measures in CI-CD pipelines. These developers disable automated Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Software Composition Analysis (SCA), or Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) scans, potentially leaving their code open to security risks.

A dedicated security reviewer ensures these malpractices are controlled and compliance requirements are met, thereby enhancing the overall security of the application.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

One prevalent issue in many organizations is the disabling of automated Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Software Composition Analysis (SCA), or Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) code scans in CI-CD pipelines by developers. This practice not only compromises code security but also contradicts the mandatory compliance requirements of organizations. A dedicated code security reviewer will ensure these scans are always enabled, thus bolstering the overall security of the software.

Implementing Code Security Peer Review

Integrating code security peer review in your CI-CD process requires strategic planning and execution. So, how can organizations go about implementing Code Security Peer Reviews? Here are some steps to guide you:

  1. Appoint a dedicated code security reviewer: Choose a qualified individual, preferably a senior developer or architect, with substantial secure coding training. This person will be solely responsible for conducting code security reviews, unlike code quality reviewers who focus on other aspects like functionality and performance.

  2. Role definition: Clearly define the role of the security reviewer, highlighting their responsibilities, and how they differ from those of the code quality reviewer.

  3. Ensure comprehensive training: Make sure the chosen individual has the necessary training and resources to conduct thorough code security reviews.

  4. Promote a culture of security: Foster a culture where code security is taken seriously. Encourage open conversations about security concerns and best practices.

  5. Baked-in security mindset: Encourage a mindset where security is everyone's responsibility. This can be achieved through awareness initiatives led by the security reviewer.

  6. Integration into CI-CD process: Ensure that security reviews become a mandatory part of the CI-CD process. No pull requests should be approved without a successful security review.

  7. Automate security scans: Use automated SAST, SCA, or IAST scans within your CI-CD pipelines. These scans should be non-negotiable and always enabled to ensure a consistent level of code security.

  8. Prioritize fixes: After potential vulnerabilities are identified, prioritize and fix them immediately. The quicker the vulnerabilities are fixed, the lesser the chances of exploitation.

  9. Team Training: Equip your team with the necessary security knowledge. This can involve formal training sessions and ongoing knowledge sharing activities.


In our fast-paced development landscape, it's easy to forget the essential aspects that keep our applications secure. The implementation of a code security peer review within the CI-CD process ensures that security isn't left as an afterthought but is integrated into every step of software development. Code Security is a vital aspect of software development that demands dedicated attention. Incorporating Security Peer Reviews into your CI-CD process ensures that your code remains secure while also fostering a security-centric culture within your development team. With the right practices and the right people, you can fortify your code against potential security threats.