Quick Reference Chart on Secure Coding Practices

Learn the crucial techniques for developing secure software.

Developers making security a priority throughout the software development lifecycle

Photo by Chris Ried / Unsplash

In today's interconnected world, where cyberattacks are a constant threat, writing secure code is no longer optional – it's essential. A single vulnerability in your software can have disastrous consequences, leading to data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage. Every developer and architect has a responsibility to build software that's secure by design. This article will provide you with a comprehensive quick reference chart to secure coding practices, helping you protect your applications from common threats.

The Path to Secure Software

The journey toward secure software is ongoing. New threats and attack techniques will continue to emerge. By staying vigilant, continuously learning, and prioritizing secure coding practices, organizations can build applications that not only power innovation but also safeguard the sensitive data they handle.

Here's a Quick Reference Chart summarizing and refining some of the critical secure coding practices, organized into categories for easier reference:


Best Practices

Why It Matters


Input Validation

Type, length, format, and range checks on all user input (web forms, files, APIs, etc.)

Prevents malformed data from causing unexpected behavior or injections.

Use type-specific validation functions (e.g., 'is_numeric', 'is_email' ).

Implement whitelist-based validation and regular expressions for stricter control.

Consider centralized input validation libraries.

SQL Security

Use parameterized queries/prepared statements

Prevents SQL injection, one of the most dangerous web vulnerabilities.

Libraries for most languages provide helper functions for parameterized queries.

Learn your database's specific syntax for prepared statements.

Error Handling

Handle errors gracefully, avoiding detailed messages to the user

Log errors securely on the server

Prevents attackers from gaining sensitive system information.

Return generic error messages to users (e.g., "An error occurred").

Implement secure logging mechanisms to capture detailed errors on the server side.

Access Control

Implement fine-grained authorization with role-based checks

Enforce the "principle of least privilege"

Ensures users only have access to data and functions they need.

Design a role-based access control (RBAC) system.

Perform authentication and authorization checks before every sensitive operation.

Secure Defaults

Start with the most restrictive settings

Require explicit actions to relax permissions

Reduces the attack surface and makes security the default state.

Configure applications and systems with security-focused defaults.

Provide clear guidance to users on how to securely modify settings if needed.

Output Sanitization

Validate, sanitize, and encode all output

Use context-aware escaping (HTML, JavaScript, URL escaping, etc.)

Protects against cross-site scripting (XSS) and other output injection attacks.

Use established encoding libraries for your language/ framework.

Understand different output contexts and appropriate escaping mechanisms.

Memory Management

Use safe language features and libraries to avoid manual memory management

Scrub sensitive data from memory immediately after use

Prevents buffer overflows, use-after-free, and other memory-related vulnerabilities.

Leverage garbage collection in high-level languages when possible.

For sensitive data, explicitly overwrite memory locations before deallocation.


Use established concurrency control mechanisms (mutexes, semaphores, etc.)

Design carefully to prevent deadlocks and race conditions

Ensures proper data synchronization and integrity in multi-threaded environments.

Familiarize yourself with language-specific threading libraries.

Test and debug concurrent code thoroughly to identify potential issues.


Layer security controls (validation, encryption, access control, monitoring, auditing)

Provides multiple barriers, making it harder to fully compromise a system.

* Evaluate where additional security measures can add protective layers.

Additional Important Practices:

  • Secure Coding Standards: Adopt secure coding standards (e.g., OWASP Secure Coding Practices, CERT Coding Standards) and enforce them within your development processes.

  • Threat Modeling: Proactively identify potential threats to your system and implement mitigations.

  • Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL): Integrate security throughout the entire software development process.

  • Security Training: Provide regular training for developers on secure coding and common vulnerability patterns.

  • Code Reviews & Testing: Implement security-focused code reviews and use security testing tools.

Remember: Secure coding is an ongoing process, not a single checklist. Stay updated on evolving threats and best practices!

Following these secure coding practices will lead to more robust and secure applications resistant to common attacks like injection, unauthorized access, memory exposures, race conditions, and more.

Make security a priority at every stage of coding.

Conclusion - Actionable Insights

Secure coding is not merely a set of rules; it's a mindset. Adopting these practices requires a shift in how developers approach their work, emphasizing security as a fundamental pillar of quality software. Here's how you can start making that shift today:

  • Education is Key: Invest in secure coding training for your development teams. Make resources like OWASP and CERT guidelines readily available.

  • Embrace Tools: Integrate static code analysis (SAST) for 'code-written', Software Composition Analysis (SCA) for dependencies and licenses or 'code-imported', and dynamic testing (DAST) tools for run-time security analysis into your development pipeline to automate the detection of vulnerabilities.

  • Proactive Threat Modeling: Regularly conduct threat modeling exercises to identify potential risks and proactively design mitigations.

  • Collaboration: Foster a culture of security collaboration between developers, security specialists, and operations teams.

  • Never Stop Learning: The threat landscape evolves constantly. Stay up-to-date on the latest attack techniques and secure coding best practices.

  • Secure by Design: Embed security into the earliest stages of the secure software development lifecycle (S-SDL) rather than treating it as an afterthought.